How I Started My Online Business | Women's Clothing Store Experience
So if you clicked on this link you're probably interesting in the subject. Let me start it with my story.
I have owned an online store for about 4 years. My niche is women's clothing. Since I'm highly interested in style I loved my business with all my heart. The first few years my business was aiming at local market. Then I decided that I want to know better the rest of the world and my business became worldwide. So there are some things to do when decide to start online business (remember this is only my experience and everything I'm about to say is only my vision of doing this kind of business):
Costumer service should be the best. No matter how rude or wrong your client could be you always have to stay calm and try to solve any problem without anyone's blood. If that means you might loose some money so be it. Do not ever try to save your money blaming your costumer even if you think you're 100% right. I've tried my best to answer to any possible question as soon as I could. And you know what? I do not remember any really rude or crazy customer for all these years so far. So service is key!
Do not try to sell shit. I have never ever sold shitty made clothing and even if I did and received some claims from unhappy girl I apologized, maybe gave her some discount or whatever and deleted that item immediately. The same with any kind of clothing. I picked goods I liked and informed my costumers about any detail that they have to know about. It could be the size that runs smaller or the fabric that had some kind of features. Anything I'd like to know being a costumer myself I'd tried to point out on my website.
The clothing I have sold has never been cheap. Online market is full of cheap clothing websites. I know a lot of stores and not going to promote them here. Even though the girls who bought clothing from my store could possible find the same goods cheaper it was not the reason to sell low cost things. Anyway I provided all the information about the order (tracking information and any logistic issues) so my clients had always been informed about anything of a piece of clothing they'd paid for.
Do the business with all your heard. It sounds vanilla but if you do not like your job don't do it. Try to find something else. Business is not about money. It is about making happy everyone who you work with.
Maybe the most important thing for me was to stay calm in any situation (I am trying to be honest with you here. I did not always succeed in this point). I do not remember a day when checking email wasn't stressful for me because of some possible email from an unhappy woman. All I'm trying to say that this is business and any issue that happens doesn't belong to you personally. All people are different and we all expecting different things from stuff we buy online, right? When you buy something on Amazon you are not happy with a product, not with a seller who sold that one, right? Sometimes I was upset because of something that wasn't good but now I thing it was only because I did not have a lot of experience of working with any kind of people. And I was happy when someone told me she loved the product. Do not be too emotional. If you want to succeed in any kind of business you have to stay calmly and reasonably.
I have owned an online store for about 4 years. My niche is women's clothing. Since I'm highly interested in style I loved my business with all my heart. The first few years my business was aiming at local market. Then I decided that I want to know better the rest of the world and my business became worldwide. So there are some things to do when decide to start online business (remember this is only my experience and everything I'm about to say is only my vision of doing this kind of business):
Costumer service should be the best. No matter how rude or wrong your client could be you always have to stay calm and try to solve any problem without anyone's blood. If that means you might loose some money so be it. Do not ever try to save your money blaming your costumer even if you think you're 100% right. I've tried my best to answer to any possible question as soon as I could. And you know what? I do not remember any really rude or crazy customer for all these years so far. So service is key!
Do not try to sell shit. I have never ever sold shitty made clothing and even if I did and received some claims from unhappy girl I apologized, maybe gave her some discount or whatever and deleted that item immediately. The same with any kind of clothing. I picked goods I liked and informed my costumers about any detail that they have to know about. It could be the size that runs smaller or the fabric that had some kind of features. Anything I'd like to know being a costumer myself I'd tried to point out on my website.
The clothing I have sold has never been cheap. Online market is full of cheap clothing websites. I know a lot of stores and not going to promote them here. Even though the girls who bought clothing from my store could possible find the same goods cheaper it was not the reason to sell low cost things. Anyway I provided all the information about the order (tracking information and any logistic issues) so my clients had always been informed about anything of a piece of clothing they'd paid for.
Do the business with all your heard. It sounds vanilla but if you do not like your job don't do it. Try to find something else. Business is not about money. It is about making happy everyone who you work with.
Maybe the most important thing for me was to stay calm in any situation (I am trying to be honest with you here. I did not always succeed in this point). I do not remember a day when checking email wasn't stressful for me because of some possible email from an unhappy woman. All I'm trying to say that this is business and any issue that happens doesn't belong to you personally. All people are different and we all expecting different things from stuff we buy online, right? When you buy something on Amazon you are not happy with a product, not with a seller who sold that one, right? Sometimes I was upset because of something that wasn't good but now I thing it was only because I did not have a lot of experience of working with any kind of people. And I was happy when someone told me she loved the product. Do not be too emotional. If you want to succeed in any kind of business you have to stay calmly and reasonably.
Have I missed something?
Anyway it was a good experience and I loved every part of doing it. There are no mistakes you've made. It is all about learning and becoming better in anything you've been doing.
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